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Rolfing is a hands-on and movement training

Structural Integration

yes, you came to the right place! Eh... so... what's Rolfing®? Something about fascia, and posture, and some kind of body work but it is not massage, even though someone puts their hands on you...

Here we try to clarify your questions... let's see if we manage

What is Rolfing®?

Rolfing® is a hands-on method (meaning, Rolfers® manipulate clients' bodies) that focuses on helping the body be better aligned in everyday life; while we stand, sit, walk, play sports, dance... you name it.


Certified Rolfers® use touch, movement and communication with clients, to help them improve their posture and movement patterns.


In order to better align the body, Rolfers® focus on fascia (or in other words, connective tissue) and its role as a supporter, separator and lubricator of movement in the body. Its texture and consistency can be affected by physical and emotional trauma, poor posture, lack of use or over use. When this happens the whole myofascial system can be affected causing muscles to become cramped, undernourished or stuck together, so that when an individual muscle is activated it has to drag the surrounding tissue mass with it. This has many debilitating effects on posture, range of movement and energy reserves and can also affect emotional outlook.


Rolfing® is named after American biochemist Dr. Ida Rolf who developed the method in the 1950’s. Dr. Rolf drew inspiration from homoeopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic, yoga, Alexander Technique, and Korzybski’s  work on states of consciousness. It can improve how your body functions physically, and how you feel emotionally.


Here you can red more about the History of Dr. Ida Rolf’s work and the development of Rolfing, presented by the European Rolfing Association.


When is Rolfing® useful?

If you want to improve the overall sensation of your body, gain mobility, learn about efficiency of movement and how to apply it to yourself, connect with your emotional being through your body, feel more relaxed, feel empowered physically and emotionally, Rolfing® can help you.


Many clients come to Rolfing® for the first time because of a chronic issue that they want help with. They might end up discovering that their body is capable of much more, that they can feel a sense of harmony and coherence in themselves. They may find that the nagging discomfort they have is an indicator of something deeper, for example: how they manage stress in their daily life.


Children and adolescents find Rolfing® helpful in their growing process.


Elderly clients use Rolfing® to slow down the aging process by using gravity as a tool to move more freely instead of weighting them down and to immobility. 


Post-partum women find Rolfing® beneficial to assist them in regaining their body and re-empower them in the next stage of their lives.



What are the benefits of Rolfing®?

On the physical level:

  • improved joint mobility

  • decrease in chronic pain, such as: lower back pain, tension, shoulder pain, sciatic pain, hip pain, frozen shoulder, migraine, repetitive strain injury, neck pain, post-operative pain... 


At the emotional level:

  • feeling of empowerment

  • more relaxed mindset

  • increase self-confidence


Whole being:

  • more energy

  • prevention of injuries

  • maintain and improve wellbeing

What does Rolfing® do?

Rolfing® works on the fascia to elicit movement through different layers and structures of the body. When we move, the muscles in our body need to glide on each other in order to have efficiency. The structure that divides and surrounds muscles is fascia.


We help the body find movement in areas that didn't feel mobile before: the ribs, spine, SI joints, ankles, neck, hips...


We also help feel a new overall coordination of movement, so the body feels less stuck, and more an ordered set of interrelated parts, helping clients feel:


  • flexible and dynamic

  • ease of movement

  • energised and vital

  • upright and balanced


Bodies store physical, mental and emotional tension, trauma and stress. Pain in one area of the body will affect other parts. Rolfing® can improve how your body functions physically, and how you feel emotionally.

How is Rolfing® performed?

Rolfing® is usually performed in a series of sessions, one-to-one  with a Certified Rolfer®. This approach addresses the whole body, from the most superficial to the deepest layers.


Rolfing® is a wholistic method, the whole body is addressed, but the focus changes in each session. Do you want to know more about the Rolfing 10-Series?



Another way of experiencing Rolfing®, is through Rolf Movement™. Sessions can be either one-to-one or in a group setting. Rolf Movement™ focuses on the somatic part of Rolfing®, working on becoming more conscious of movement, coordination and perception, and exploring more efficient ways of moving, breathing, standing, performing athletic tasks, etc. Do you want to know more about Rolf Movement™? 

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You might find the information you miss in the miscelaneous page

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